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更新日期:2018-02-09 2945

“Promotion of the 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition at the Airports all around Taiwan” – Gift-Giving Activities






4.請得獎者於開獎後3天內以私訊方式回傳 : 姓名、連絡電話、地址,如期限內未回覆,視同放棄得獎權益,不再另行通知。


1. 福容大飯店麗寶樂園店住宿券一張 ( 原價$10,800/張 )
2. 福容大飯店連鎖住宿券2張 ( 原價$9,800/張)
3. 麗寶Outlet-黛麗佐手義式餐廳乾式熟成牛排套餐2張(原價$1580/張)
4. 麗寶國際賽車場Sodi Kart卡丁車體驗券10張 (原價$999/張)
5. 麗寶樂園-天空之夢摩天輪搭乘券30張 ( 原價$350/張)


注意事項 :
1. 參加者於參加本活動之同時,即同意接受本抽獎活動之活動辦法與注意事項之規範;如有違反,主辦單位得取消其參加或中獎資格。不合資格者,由本活動工作人員直接取消抽獎資格。
2. 中獎者保證所有填寫或提出之資料均為真實且正確,且未冒用或盜用任何第三人之資料。如有不實之情事,將被取消參加或中獎資格。如因此致主辦單位無法通知其中獎訊息時,主辦單位不負任何責任,且如有致損害於主辦單位或其他任何第三人,參加者應負一切相關責任。
3. 如本活動因不可抗力因素無法執行時,主辦單位有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動。
4. 如有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有調整及最終解釋權之權利。


Activity Date: 2018/2/7 – 2018/3/7
Announcement winners:3/15 Thursday

🔹Step1: Welcome to like the fan page of “Big Fun in Taichung @taichungresort” on Facebook. 


Step2: Take a picture with the flower wall or things related to the Flora Exposition at Taichung International Airport or the light box, wall sticker or advertising banner related to the Flora Exposition at “Taipei International Airport,” “Taoyuan International Airport” and “Kaohsiung International Airport.”

Step3 : upload the picture to the fan page of “Big Fun in Taichung @taichungresort” and tag #2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition or #Big Fun in Taichung @taichungresort to join the Gift-Giving and Lot-Drawing Activities and compete for gift vouchers issued by "Fullon Hotel” and Lihpao Resort for accommodations and experiencing the Outlet Mall/Racing Park/Sky Dream Ferris Wheel.

Step4 :The winner please contact us on the facebook message in three days, providing your name ,phone number and address. If not, it will be regarded as a waiver of any right of the prize without notification.

Complete the above 4 steps and you can participate in lottery.



Additional Gifts(restricted to Taichung International Airport)
Take a picture with the flower wall at Taichung International Airport” and upload the picture to the fan page of “大玩台中” on Facebook. And you can get an exquisite gift at “the Visitor Information Center of Taichung International Airport.”(The quantity of the gifts is limited. First Come, First Served.)


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